Seed Tracking Battle Cats - Acquire Media
Seed Tracking Battle Cats

Seed Tracking Battle Cats

And for those who don't know, seed tracking is a way to predict your future gacha rolls (rare/platinum/legend ticket), and kinda manipulate it so you wont get anything disappointing often. Do note that i don't really encourage seed tracking as it takes away the fun of randomized gacha rolls and since you can easily get strong ubers through this. Jul 31, 2021 · 22k subscribers in the battlecatscheats community. This subreddit hosts cheats for the mobile game the battle cats. Jul 22, 2019 · the 1st is used for rarity, the 2nd one for type.

And for those who don't know, seed tracking is a way to predict your future gacha rolls (rare/platinum/legend ticket), and kinda manipulate it so you wont get anything disappointing often. Do note that i don't really encourage seed tracking as it takes away the fun of randomized gacha rolls and since you can easily get strong ubers through this. Jul 31, 2021 · 22k subscribers in the battlecatscheats community. This subreddit hosts cheats for the mobile game the battle cats. Jul 22, 2019 · the 1st is used for rarity, the 2nd one for type.

Hence for the last cat, the game only fetches the next seed, instead of the next 2. This means that from now on, the seed you'd normally use to determine rarity, is now used to determine type. Seed tracking fixes that for battle cats. It removes the random element of the gacha and makes it more like a shopping experience: Your time spent grinding cf is rewarded rather than gambled. Gacha should be a cf shop because many gachas are mandatory for playing the game fully. Seed tracking gets you most of the way there. How to look for your seed: Go to this site. Open your battle cats. Do 10 draws and record it on the site. Seek your seed on the site and record it. You now know what your seed is. Go to this document and click file > make a copy go to the copy you made. On the input field tab, replace the seed # with your own

Do 10 draws and record it on the site. Seek your seed on the site and record it. You now know what your seed is. Go to this document and click file > make a copy go to the copy you made. On the input field tab, replace the seed # with your own Since the majority of people asked for a public release, i decided to act accordingly; Seed tracking will be publicly available. This is the seed extrapolator. In the near future, an offline version will be published. (will be published in this post, look for edits) this is a spreadsheet used to track the seed. This is a lightened version of an. Jun 29, 2023 · just make sure to save and write down your seed somewhere every time you roll after you've received your initial seed because the seed number will change to update your progress on the track. But yeah seed tracking has a lot of advantages, you can see when uber slots are coming up and then you can roll under a specific banner you want to get ubers. Make sure to select the proper event and to read the rest of the instructions as well. When you get your current seed, you will see two tracks a and b. Oct 11, 2023 · aphrodite is arguably the best anti alien, tesalan is a very good backliner for bosses, and baby cats are a good melee unit. Papaluga is one of the worst ubers, and legeluga is the worst legend. The best ubers are kasli the bane, phono child of destiny, miko mitama, chronos, phono king of extinction, lesser demon cat and kasli the scourge.

Since the majority of people asked for a public release, i decided to act accordingly; Seed tracking will be publicly available. This is the seed extrapolator. In the near future, an offline version will be published. (will be published in this post, look for edits) this is a spreadsheet used to track the seed. This is a lightened version of an. Jun 29, 2023 · just make sure to save and write down your seed somewhere every time you roll after you've received your initial seed because the seed number will change to update your progress on the track. But yeah seed tracking has a lot of advantages, you can see when uber slots are coming up and then you can roll under a specific banner you want to get ubers. Make sure to select the proper event and to read the rest of the instructions as well. When you get your current seed, you will see two tracks a and b. Oct 11, 2023 · aphrodite is arguably the best anti alien, tesalan is a very good backliner for bosses, and baby cats are a good melee unit. Papaluga is one of the worst ubers, and legeluga is the worst legend. The best ubers are kasli the bane, phono child of destiny, miko mitama, chronos, phono king of extinction, lesser demon cat and kasli the scourge.

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Seed tracking wrong?? 2 : r/BattleCatsCheats
Seed tracking track switching : r/BattleCatsCheats
seed tracking general question : r/BattleCatsCheats